Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bangalored !! The Reality !

This is a post especially for 3 kinds of people:
1. The IT Crowd
2. People who have never visited Bangalore and imagine it to be the most developed and awesome city of India.
3. People who are Bangalored!!

What does Bangalored means?
It means a lot of things, little good and little more bad.
When a person says he is bangalored, it means at least one of the following:

1. He is happy if he gets a decent lunch in a restaurant for 200 bucks per head.
2. He has become habitual of travelling at least 2 hours a day in bus and/or he has accepted that a day in his life is now 22 hours long only.
3. He considers himself lucky if he is able to cover 8 kms in an hour during office hours.
4. He considers himself a middle class person even after earning Rs. 80,000 per month.
5. He forgets that people in this world do something other than software development also.
6. He goes to office either to eat free food or drink loads of coffee/tea.
7. He forgets that people once used to live in bungalows also.
8. He spends Rs. 250 to attend gigs of those bands whom he had never ever heard about before.
9. He has developed interest in theatre and plays and 200 seems a less price to pay for it.
10. Rs. 300 seems an ok price to pay for a movie on weekends.
11. He is love with the Bangalore weather even when dust due to construction is blowing on his face.

This is the reality of Bangalore. I hope it will clear your doubts about Bangalore, if you had any.

Yes there are good things also, but they are not worth mentioning apart from the fact that I live here :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

A request

You can learn something every moment in your life, only if you know the perfect song for the moment :)

I believe this and If you also do, Please suggest some songs which will help people experience this phenomenon.

Thanks in advance :)