Thursday, January 31, 2013

There is no such thing as right or wrong!

Times of Trouble. Times of Chaos. Times of Failure. Times of Fear.

Somebody once told me a story. I wish to share it with you.

There was once a father in a Church. A place where people expect to find peace and solutions to their problems. And it helps. Indeed.

One day, a group of foster kids had come over to the church searching for some peace and happiness like every other person in this world. And the father was expected to tell them something that would make them feel better, make them feel they are worth more than what they think of themselves.

Father thought a lot but could not figure out what to say to them. The kids were hopeful. Hopeful that they will find a solution to their misery. Finally father looked at Jesus and he suddenly knew what to say to them.

Father stood up and asked a 5 year old to come up to him. And he said...

I don't know exactly what Lord Jesus would have said to you, had he been here but I'm pretty sure it would have been something like this
 I Love You my child
You are special my child

And the boy had tears in his eyes. Tears of Joy.

That evening the father just keep repeating this mantra to every child in the church. And all the kids found happiness and peace.
Something makes you feel better now. Doesn't it?

Was it right or wrong?

Right. As we believe that God always loves his children and it was just a reminder to let them know that they are special.

Wrong. As it does not change the reality that their parents have still abandoned them and their life hasn't change even a bit. It is nothing different from giving them a false hope.

I don't know. But what I know is that it made them happy, at least for a few moments. And being happy is always right, it can never be wrong. Can it?

Everyone goes through difficult times in life. And doing something which will actually make you happy at those times cannot be wrong.