Monday, September 24, 2012

Something that only I could understand...

I saw flowers blossomed
I thought they did for a reason
A reason that I could love for
A reason that I could die for
Reason that only I could understand
Reason that only she did not care about

I re-created the memories she had
Only to see her smile
Only to do it again sometime
Because I knew it was important to her
I saw a dream,
A dream to be part of those memories
Dreams that only I could understand
Dreams that only she did not care about

Coincidences happen
But only when they want to tell you something
Something that I felt was special
Something that I felt I could live for
Something that only I could understand
Something that only she did not care about

Till Life meets the Dream...

I met a life,
Beautiful unlike anything in this universe
We started together years back
A relationship so strong yet so fragile
But I always hold her tight

Sometimes I fell behind and chased her rapidly
Sometimes she followed me silently and slowly
But never did she lose faith in me
Coz she knew I couldn’t live without her
Coz she knew I couldn’t die without her

Something happened then,
I don’t know exactly what,
But I realized I was standing alone
Towards the end, 
Too scared to look ahead.

She was still with me
Calm and supportive as always
I saw a dream then,
A dream so beautiful, so extravagant,
That I could not let it go in vain

So I ran, ran and ran some more
Too fast for her to cope up anymore.
I had come too far to go back to her.
I don't know where did I lose her on the way
I had messed up pretty bad, I could say

Wind started blowing against me
Pushing me back to her
I was too stubborn to retreat.
I was too determined to go ahead.
I was blinded by the beauty I saw.

Consequences now follow
So many still so few
I will face them anyways
Bravely as a soldier
And swiftly as music

Till I get both.
Till I get what i deserve.

Till life meets the dream.
Till life meets the dream.