Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why do I prefer Bing over Google!

I have been meaning to write this post from quite some time now but didn't get enough time. But now I am free and here it goes.

I have been using Bing for the past 6 months now and haven't felt a need to go back to Google.

One thing that I would like to mention in the very beginning is that I'm not saying "Bing is better than Google". It is not. It is very difficult to directly say which Search Engine is better because there are so many criteria you can measure upon.

I am here to explain why I switched to Bing.

1. Bing has done a fantastic job considering it has been only 4 years since it was launched. Tell me how good was Google when it was 4 years old i.e. in 2002. I am pretty sure it wasn't better than what Bing is today. One should appreciate this fact. A search engine could only be made better if it learns quickly and apparently Bing does learn quickly.

2. Better search results for the most searched queries on the web. Yes it is true! Try it for yourself. I'm not saying Google doesn't give good results but Bing is way better specially in terms of ranking the web pages. I did a web search for "Ramoji Film City" since I had been there recently. And here are the results for both:

Now seriously! Why in the world is Google showing innovative film city video! And Wikipedia page comes after Sucks for me!

Your opinion might differ but then I guess you are stupid. And if you think it is just a coincidence, try searching other things (which you think are searched on web quite often) yourself.

3. Better image results. I can say this without a doubt that Bing understands more than Google when it comes to images. Google only considers the url or the written content but Bing understands what you really want in the image.

Another random example: When you say food what images do you want to see? Let's see what Bing and Google have to offer.



Results say everything themselves I guess. Bing wins for sure.
P.S. The new interface for images that you might have seen on Google is straight forward copied from Bing. At least it seems so.
4. Better Video results. Recently Google has removed searching for videos instead you can only search on youtube. Is it fair? I don't think so. Bing provides you results from all over the web including youtube and best part is that it let's you play the video without navigating to the actual website. For me, It's a win for Bing.

5. Unbiased results. The best thing about Bing! It will never show you results that are biased towards one website. Try searching anything that includes "buy" as the first word on Google. You'll always get some ads first and then first result will always be flipkart. Because flipkart pays Google for this. But is it good for the user? Sometimes maybe but definitely not always. What user is interested in is the price he gets and that is what Bing takes care of. You'll get results which you would not go through when searching with Google.

6. Facebook connectivity.  Again another useful feature. You get relevant results from facebook just along the right side. They can be really helpful sometimes.

 6. Fast. I can assure you Bing works just as fast as Google. It might be a little slow but not noticeable for a human being.

7. Bing wallpaper. Another very beautiful feature. Not only does you get to see some beautiful images but you get a lot of information that you might not get otherwise. For each wallpaper you'll get some 4 small boxes appearing on the screen. Hover over it to get brief info and click on it to know more. Also you can integrate it with Windows as "Bing Desktop" which looks extremely beautiful on your desktop. (For this you might need to switch your country to United Staes by going to settings tab on the top right hand corner of bing)

I'm just trying to make you aware that Google is not the only option you have. Try Bing and other search engines (AOL, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Blekko etc.) and decide for yourself. Don't be so rigid that you lose the good part of the web.

Don't let a single company rule the web. Web can be made beautiful only if everyone contributes and help each other.

One more fact: Today Bing has a share market of 16.5% when it comes to search queries over the web which is a very significant number considering Google has been in the market for last 15 years now.

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