Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Music Memories - Wish You Were Here

The problem in life is that we don't have background music. But can we? I have one right now.
Playing in the background is a cover of Wish You Were Here By Pink Floyd. Here:
Go ahead, let it play and read further.

I remember the first time I picked up the guitar. I just wanted to play a Jal (The Band) song. It meant everything back then. The hurt my fingers felt was inspirational. The more I felt pain, the more I wanted to play. It was like a constant battle between my pain and my wish to play.

Times passed and I have played a lot of songs, over a thousand maybe. But there are songs that sweep you off your feet. You want to take a moment to absorb it, you want to sit back and go into a different world. This song has never failed to do that for me. I wish I could just see David Gilmour coming up with that riff and humming on that. And maybe Roger Waters coming up with the lyrics. It's heavenly, it's a lifetime success to be able to create something as magical.

Lot of people would not get it. It's just a song, right? But it's not.
It's a lifestyle, it's a choice, it's love, it's mistake, it's everything we do in life.

I hope there comes a time, people don't abuse music for fame and money. It's more precious, let it be clean. Let it be a symbol of purity and you will see how it will mend your soul.

I often tell people:
"I wish you could listen to the music in my ears, our hearts would do the rest."

Saturday, January 2, 2016

I just remembered that I used to blog!

So, I had a little (not so little) chat with a friend, thanks to the custom of people wishing each other a Happy New Year. But in that little conversation, I remembered that I used to blog and loved it too. So I had to write one.

2015 was a blast. Definitely a year worth remembering. But what we learn over time is that it is not a good idea to ponder over the past and think about it. What is ahead is what matters.

Though this year will be special because I have had a decent share of music playing/listening this time. Including a cover with some new people who have turned out be my best friends. Read +Krithika S  And a cover with my best buddies in Goa (Read +ankur saxena  +samagra singh ). And for that there has to be a song of the year. And after a lot (not so much) of detailed analysis of all the brilliant songs that have come out this year, I choose: Ruby by Tejas Menon.

So, go ahead, play it before you read more.

Done? Let's continue then.

2016, What have you got for us man? I hope it's something really nice. Years have come and gone very swiftly. Some of them I don't even remember, so useless they were. Don't be one of them.

2016, Be a year of character. Even if you are not so nice sometimes, make sure you make it up to us. Even if you hurt us, even if you do us apart from our loved ones. Make sure we find new people whom we can love.

2016, Be a year of success. You will fail us sometimes, that's okay. That is what we want because that helps us learn and improve. But make sure you give us success too. At the end we work hard, we could use some motivation.

2016, Be a year of inspiration. We make resolutions which we don't keep. Inspire us, so that we can do what it takes to be one step closer to our dreams.

2016, Be a year of fun. We get tired of our everyday lives man. Do give us some trips with our friends so that we can have a little fun. Get drunk, Sing in public, Eat. And then drink some more!

2016, Be a year of pain too. We need to understand that we have to learn to live with pain. We have got to be strong. We have to learn how to handle tough situations. Don't let us be fragile.

2016, Be a year of kindness. Some of us could just use kindness, you know. Talk nicely to us when we need it.

2016, Finally, be a year of self-respect. Be a year we could all proudly say that it was the best year we have ever had till date. So that we also try to be the best people we can and respect ourselves. Because before respecting someone else, we need to do things to be able to respect ourselves. And after that, respect time. And that's you 2016.

Because time is all we've got. 2016, you are all we've got.

Make it count.