Thursday, January 5, 2012

Illegal ?? Decisions?? Right?? Wrong?? Let's talk about it

Ever did something you're not proud of?? Something that you believe if you hadn't done it, life would have been easier??
No I'm not talking about emotional/personal/relationship/principles stuff...
I'm talking about illegal stuff...
Now and then everyone in his life of about 20 years has done some illegal stuff....Cheating is one of them if you think you haven't :P
Good people say you should not do any illegal stuff but I say
Cheat only if you're ready to accept a -5 on your answer script.
Drive over 60 km/hour only if you are ready to pay 500 bucks to police officer.
Park your car in NO PARKING only if you have registry and driver's license.
Steal only if you're ready to stay in jail for one night at least.

Actually If you'll not do illegal stuff just imagine what would the police do?? So much unemployment :P

What I'm saying is just one of way of looking at it. Don't take the inspiration please.
Also if you're smart enough to fool the authorities, you should fool them I guess :P

Also I would like to mention here that life isn't fair to everyone. Sometimes you get accused of false charges and some rarer times are proven to be guilty also. But I guess whatever life does to you, it does only enough for you to handle it. And makes you a better person given you handle it the right way.
Actually One good thing it does is not let you have BLIND faith in GOD as most of Indians do or for that matter Hindus do.
But Whatever GOD does, he always give you an option(s) which people really, I guess, don't see. An option for a better path.
So If you feel GOD isn't fair to you, believe me there's a better life waiting for you. You just have to make the decision. And THE RIGHT ONE.

And Yes, Faith is always the option. Faith for a better tomorrow. 
Have faith In YOURSELF that you'll do good today and will learn from your mistakes, improve and have a better tomorrow.
Because it's you who is gonna lead your life, the one who is going to give it directions, the one, as GOD SwamiNarayan said, who has to carve it out of the rock with your mind and body.
GOD will not take care of you, you'll have to do that for yourself, he will just support.


P.S. Am I a preacher or something ??? :P :P
     This wasn't supposed to come out this way, really.
     I truly need some better topics :(

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