Thursday, January 26, 2012

High?? Low?? Up?? Down?? Heard these?? Lets talk.

"Life is not a competition" Easy to say huh??
I guess it's just a philosophy to keep you satisfied. You don't have enough, you don't have as much as your friend, Just say to yourself "Life is not a competition". It's like the all is well thing from 3 idiots.
But no one is happy with less than what he thinks he deserves, at least I won't be.
You know work hard, have patience, you'll get what you deserve..all this might be true. But when you don't have it, it doesn't feel right.

Actually leaving everything out. I feel, the pressure from the surroundings is responsible for all this competition.

Hypothetical situation:

Take 2 guys, one from IIT Delhi and other one from SRM Chennai. Both get a same job of 6.5 lacs in same company but there is a hell lot of difference in their attitude after the selection. The SRM guy is extremely happy, on the top of the world and the IIT guy just sad...plain sad.
This was the best company that visited SRM Chennai and amongst the very lower rated companies that visited IIT.
Now both are equally valued but the surroundings were different.
SRM guy thinking: Yes man!! I did it. Best job in the campus. I'm the dude. Family happy, girlfriend happy. Life's great
IIT guy thinking: Lite yaar!! I couldn't even make a 10 lac job when my friends are making 60 lacs job. What happened?? 4 years ago we all(IITians) started at the same place. Then why am I so behind?? Family saying: "I read in the newspaper, IITians got job offers of up to 60 lacs...Why so less for you??"
And finally he says to himself "Life is a competition, and I'm losing"

Now who am I to say what's wrong and what's right. Probably it was his bad luck and he will get better as time progresses. Maybe he will get better than that 60 lac guy some day (with a 0.0000001% probability or even less obviously). But for now, it's not easy. Not at all.

Nothing can make you happier but being at the top.
And I hope if seen positively, this will be your success story.

P.S :  I'm sorry if I haven't been able to convey my point clearly. Not a good writer you know :)

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