Monday, October 1, 2012

Mind Games!

Don't take it literally.
Everything has a hidden meaning. Right?

For example: An "all the best" smile from a fellow mate who is competing with you for a job opportunity. In his mind he must be thinking about the 100 ways he would want you to screw up your interview.

Well I hope you will be able to think of several such instances now.

Mind is the most difficult thing to have control over. I had heard it a million of times before in my life but I have really experienced this in the past year. And yes, it is indeed the most restless and fickle part of one's self.

For example: Sometimes we feel happy on getting a seat in a bus during the rush hours but we do not feel happy even after getting a full time job at a MNC.
Sometimes our body wants us to sleep but the mind does not let it. It plays games with us, doesn't it?
At times we are happy without no reason and at times we are sad without  no reason.

If only there was a way to have control over it, one could be truly live a happy and peaceful life.

P.S. I have been through a lot in a past few days. Frustration is at its peek. Don't Mind.

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