Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Another year comes to an end. But this was not just another year in my life. 2012 was probably the most important year of my life. I've lived some the best moments and some of the worst moments of my life this year.

From a student to a graduate, from a coder to a software engineer, from Pilani to Bangalore, from senior (in BITS) to junior (in Industry), from legacy (phone) to smart (phone), from HP to SAP to Oracle, from zero account balance to a quite decent account balance...I've experienced a lot in this year. Though I like to believe everything happens for good, I'm still trying to overcome the drastic change my life has seen in this year.

I don't want to concentrate on what has happened in the world in 2012 because I'm sure you will find a lot of articles on it. Be it technology, politics, terrorism, crime, education, innovation, science, astronomy, pharmacy or anything else, just bing it and you'll find something relevant of your interest.

I want to tell you what all things I started/learned this year so that maybe you could take something from it for 2013.

Though there were some good and some bad moments, I just want to share the good times because it is easier for everyone if one forgets the worse times and remembers only the good ones.
Someone has truly said: "Everyone faces good and bad times in life but your future will depend a lot on what you choose to remember."

With this I'll start off my list:

1. I started recording music this year at my home. I have recorded about 14 tracks till now and uploaded them on soundcloud. This is one of the things I'm most proud of. I have learnt a lot because of this. I never thought that recording and playing live would be such different art. Thanks to all the people who appreciated my effort. And yes none of this would have been possible without my very good friend +Vaibhavi Rangarajan.

2. I started earning. It is probably one of the happiest moments of your life when you get your first paycheck. And it was because of the job that I was able to buy equipment for recording. No matter what you want to do, you'll always need money to get to it.

3. I started solving problems on codechef i.e. competitive programming. Though it is a little late for me but "better late than never". And I believe that it has seriously helped me to improve my programming skills and has played an important part in me landing up in Oracle.

4. I started reading books. Though in the whole year I would have read only 4-5 books but it is a big deal for me. Books are the ultimate source of knowledge. I really respect all those people who read books whether it be fiction, non fiction, biography, magazine or anything else. Reading is a good habit and everyone should try to develop it.

5. Learned C# and Java. It was really good to finally move from C to some other language. It definitely helps you in programming if you know more than one language.

6. Started reading a few technology related stuff mainly related to Microsoft. But in the end it leads you to read a lot of other stuff as well.

7. Started a few courses on Coursera but unfortunately couldn't complete it. But whatever part I completed, it was very informative and I hope to do at least one course next year.

8. I cooked for the first time this year. And from what I felt, I would say cooking can be great fun and it is an art in itself.

9. Uploaded by first guitar solo on youtube. Again a big step for me. But I'm glad that people enjoyed the video and appreciated my effort. You can check it out here:

That's it I guess. Though there is nothing special in what I've done but I believe that one should feel proud in achieving success in even the smallest of things.

For 2013, I don't have anything specific in mind. I just hope to learn a lot in all areas of life and stay happy, healthy and wealthy.

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