Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If you're not good enough then nobody is !!

I often come across the term "confidence" rather than over-confidence or under-confidence. Probably the better term would be over-estimating and under-estimating because what we do or how we behave is a reflection of what we think of ourselves. Do we think more or do we think less of ourselves than what we actually are. It's not easy to estimate your capabilities but then if you don't know, don't try to. Because whatever/whoever you are, one day you'll figure it out yourself.

You never know what life will bring to you the very next moment. It might be joy, sadness, heart break, surprise, shock, anger or maybe worse than what you can imagine. But whatever be the case there's one thing you can promise to yourself i.e. Regardless of what happens this very next moment I will be a better person than what I am right now.

There will always be people who will try to hold you back or if not that, there will be failures (always) that will tend to do the same. People who once used to look like a loser to you might now be at a better position than you, a position where you once dreamt to be. Is he/she better than you ?? Maybe he is and probably that is the reason he is up there. Or maybe he is not and he is just fortunate to have reached there. The fact is no one knows and will never know. So just keep trying to improve and create something new out of each and every moment. 

P.S. I say it once again: "The start to this might not have been great but the ending will be legendary. I know it."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Trip: From Heaven to Heaven

I've always loved BITS Pilani and this place is no less than heaven for me and that's all because of the people here. One such group of awesome people is Gurukul. The talent, the place, the music which has been the most important and integral part of my BITSian life. And what could be better than an awesome trip with these guys.

The awesomeness started off with the dumb charades in the train with my act turning out to be the best - "Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon" explained in the most dramatic and easiest way.
Figuring out chords was the next activity we did at which I failed badly, almost everyone of us did. The dinner @  McD's, Kashmere Gate was awesome except the new dessert McFlurry didn't turn out to be so good :(

Nainital was the next spot and I got what I was seeking for. Rest. After doing all the couple stuff like boating, visiting lover's point and all, I again took rest which was awesome :)
The Dinner was probably the most memorable part in Nainital with our 200 per head dinner turning out to be unimaginably tasteless which resulted in some really "mirch masala" argument.

Camping was our next and best plan. Be it the fear of Rappelling, the tiredness of river crossing, the awesomeness of the bonfire, the fabulous night safari or the hot and tasty food. Everything about the camp was great.

Although I couldn't be the center of attention on the trip, me being the serious guy in the group, Ankur took the responsibility of entertaining the group with his "Yo Dude" Jokes and his ideas on "Kya aap Yo Dude Banna Chahte hai" which will be available in all the railway stations and Bus stands without any exception for Rs. 10 in 3-4 years from now.
Piddu with his workshop glasses leaded the trip with Ronak who probably stopped laughing only while he was asleep. Shreya as always was mostly excited by the shopping @ Mal Road and Vaibhavi with her cool dude attitude continued to surprise her with her weird comments and stunts. Manish with his undying enthu made it to the maximum appearances in the pics.
Siddharth Joshi kept remembering his "College ki Natkhati Ladkiyan Jo usko mohabbat se dekhti rehti hai".  Ghot with his get up in a muffler and jacket proved out too be the best choice for the new chowkidar for Gurukul. Samarth with his awesome guitar skills proved out to be surprisingly very good with his singing and his "Why Georgia" will be remembered for a very long time. Abhipray although mostly quite turned out to be the most courageous person volunteering for rappelling in the first spot. And finally Nikhil who just couldn't let go the most important and beautiful thing on the trip without which this trip would not have so awesome. The Guitar.

Thanks to all you guys for making my psenti sem more memorable and fun. Its been Awesome.

P.S. There are a lot of things I wanted to mention here but keeping it small is probably better. Any other remembrances  can be posted as comments :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Dedication

There are a lot of people who can speak,
A few who can understand,
Fewer who can actually do things,
And almost no one who can differentiate between the three.

For all those people who like to judge others on the basis of a 30 min conversation.

P.S. - The start to this may not be the best, but the ending will be Legendary. I know it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where should I go

OK guys this is the first poem I'm posting. I'm not good at this stuff but there's no harm in trying. Right?
Well, poems generally are complicated and all, but mine is much easier to understand. I guess I like to keep it simple :) . Anyway, I don't want people to ignore the poem just because they couldn't understand it (which I do all the time :P ).
So to start off with, I would like to quote 4 lines (written by me obviously).

I ain't a writer, 
but I do have thoughts running in my mind
I ain't a singer,
but I do hit some notes sometimes
I ain't a philosopher,
but I do have theories of my own
I ain't a poet,
but I do have feelings touching my heart

And here it is, my first real poem: 

On the road i started,
I couldn't see the end
I didn't know the way
I didn't have an option to stay

So I began, never looked back
Went the way that felt would help,
But when I turned, I couldn't see the start
I still don't see the end
I'm stuck somewhere in between
Where should I go??

Going back takes me to the place where I truly belong 
Where life had a flavor
The flavor of freedom, innocence, being carefree
Where enjoying came before work
Where happiness came before responsibilities
The place where I can be me

Going further takes me to the place where I desire to be
Where life gets an opportunity
The opportunity to prove my talent, my capability
To get the Respect I deserve
Where I would be valued more than ever
The place where I want to be

What should I do?
Where should I go?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Me amongst People

I don't  know what has happened to people (including me). People act weird. People act desperate. People act over-confident. People act dumb. People just act like people.

My last line didn't make any sense to you, right? Let me try to explain. People tend to do what other people do. People tend to imitate and that's nothing new I'm speaking here (or rather writing here).

Then came FACEBOOK!
Facebook influences, touches, enlightens, irritates, impresses, inspires and makes you do what you normally won't do.
What power !!
People show their talent through Facebook, everybody does because that's what people do. They show-off. They want people to know them , like them, love them.

People write. Notes, Poems, Shayaris, Experiences, everything. People share videos. Playing guitar, singing, dancing, doing all cool stuff. People share awesome photos, creative photos, lively photos, depressed photos, black n white photos and all type of photos. People share thoughts that stir you from inside, that makes you think beyond your imagination.
People are great, talented, creative, intelligent. But then People are people.

My friend once uploaded a pic of my band - "The 5 Mistakes" and it got around 60 likes. It was an awesome pic,no doubt about that but i never did expect so many likes for a band's pic whose songs people have never listened to. I don't even remember anyone asking to upload an audio/video of our band. I don't think it was right. I am happy people like us but am not happy with the reason for which they do.
A friend of mine put up a status message on Facebook: " Jacqueline Fernandez !! :) " and he gets 50 likes for his status.
A beautiful girl puts up her picture. 100 likes.
People act desperate.

A person writes a beautiful, thoughtful quote. 8 likes. Someone puts up a very creative collage of himself in different expression. 10 likes only. Someone writes his heart out in the form of a shayari. 15 likes max.
People act dumb.

Why do people hesitate in appreciating the creative one ? Or they fail to understand him/her, Or is it that they just have a bad choice. I don't know.

I believe that every person is good. Good enough to fulfill his dreams. Good enough to stay happy. Good enough to keep everyone else happy. But people act weird. They knowingly waste their time. They have dreams but don't have the will, the dedication, the courage to fulfill them.

I have dreams. I have achievable dreams. Am I working towards them? Sort of. Will I make it. I don't know. Will I try?

Yes. I will.

P.S. 1) Ignore the overuse of the word "people" and understand the CONTENT!.
2) If you liked this post, you know what to do. Appreciate it :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank You for Reading

To start off I'd like to tell you that you may not get to read my awesome stuff (written in a horrible manner) every time from now on because I have invited some of my friends to write for my blog and they are also officially, the contributors of my blog now and hopefully, very soon you will get to see posts by them also :)

Anyway, I was watching the movie "Thank You for Smoking" and i have to say it's quite a movie. I don't know what adjective to use here but some things are just awesome in it, especially a few lines. The beauty of an argument is that, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong... what a thought (Seriously think about it and if not, just watch the movie). The guy's job in the movie, basically, is to talk and he is payed like hell for that. It got me thinking, what in this world doesn't make a job. Let's see. Writing is a job, Reading is a job, Watching Movies/TV Series and reviewing them is a job, cooking is a job, writing mails is a job, for God's sake copy and paste is a job, everything you do can make a job. Then for God's sake, will someone tell me why did I study so much to get a job. I mean people get paid for writing blogs man !!! What the shit !!!
But engineering is awesome anyway :)

Well since the topic of job has come up, let me share a thought (more of a joke) that came up in my mind. Assume there are three guys interviewing for a job, first one is from arts background (A), second one from commerce (C) and third one, Science (S) .

First question asked by the interviewer: 5x4 is ??
A: thinks about it for a while then answers "Sir, not part of my job"
C: takes out his mobile, opens the calculator, calculates and answers "Sir, it's 20" (Does everything very quickly)
S: "Sir, depends on the base you are taking, for decimal it's 20 , for octal it's 24 and different for others" (For those of you who didn't understand, please don't try to)

Second question: How much time can you spend
A: "Sir, 6 hours a day"
C: "Sir, 8 hours a day"
S: "Sir, 6.5 days a week" the interviewer asks "remaining half day for ??" S replies "for bathing and sleeping"

Maarne mein bahut maza aata hai yaar. Science students are most welcome to add stuff here: commerce waalo ki maarne ke liye

This is a little bit exaggerated but truly speaking, I want to tell commerce and other branch guys one thing: "Get a life man!!"

P.S. I love engineering and every aspect about it. Title will get a little clear when you'll watch the movie.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Three in the Third

I was planning to write my third awesome post a little earlier than this but I have been a little unwell these days, thanks to all the junk food I had. But better late than never (I don't even know if this phrase fits here).
About a week back one of my very good friends congratulated me for almost a 200 page views of my blog and I happily accepted his well-wishes but the secret to it lies in the refresh button, whenever you press it, number of page views increases by one :P . I  might also have asked one of my friends to keep visiting my page whenever he/she comes online. (I know this might not be interesting but then it's my blog)

What I've been up to these days except being sick and taking rest is some reading, watching movies, TV, playing guitar and all the usual stuff, nothing awesome as such. But I did watch Delhi Belly. Shit happens, Shit happens every day but that day Shit happened like awesome!! A must watch for all youngsters, I know I'm not the first one to say this, it's all over facebook but still, personally, I never have enjoyed abusive words this much before. I also went to watch Transformers in 3D but came back when I got to know that they were charging Rs.50 extra for the 3D glasses but the thing that I didn't know was that it was refundable...lol :D

The thing that I'm proud of is that I have started reading and even started liking it. Believe it or not I read 3 Novels in these vacations !!! OK it might not sound as exciting as I want it to but the fact that in my past 20 years I read 3 novels and in the last 2 weeks also I read 3 novels, trust me it feels like an achievement.
But I may add here that 2 out of the 3 were by IITians and 3rd one by another software engineer. To all those who feel it has become a trend for IITians to write a novel, I would like to tell them that these IITians are the ones who have got me interested in reading novels, inspired me and I would like to thank them a lot for that.
The 3 novels with my favorite 2 lines are:

1) Oops...I fell in love -Harsh Snehanshu
The boyish tendency can't be conquered, since any attractive girl would still attract me .(I wonder if it's true for girls)

2) I too had a love story - Ravinder Singh
Tere jaane ka asar kuch aisa hua mujh par 
tujhe dhoondte dhoondte, maine khud ko paa liya
(Just loved it)

3) Dreams in Prussian Blue - Paritosh Uttam
Anything that goes on forever and forever, where time has no meaning, makes me sad.
(Got me thinking)

Do read them if you get time :) and the novel too :P

P.S: I could not come up with an appropriate title hence the above :P

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The start of the Beginning

As you might have noticed from the title, the sub-title, the last post and not to forget the about me section that I am quite a self-obsessed personality. So if you still have not guessed what I'm going to write about in this post, pity you. It's going to be about 'Me' :P .

When I started this blog I planned to throw all the most difficult words and show-off. But the fact is although I have a 2000 page dictionary at my place, the dictionary in my mind is not more than 20 pages fat :P and believe me after 2-3 posts more every word of my dictionary will be here. The only thing I could never understand is this stupid language. It's kind of funny that more than the content, the way of putting it matters but probably that's the way it is. Well writing is a difficult job, really, took me almost a year to get the courage to write this blog.

I still distinctly remember my first day at BITS, when I came here I was an under-confident and a shy guy who never in his life spoke English for more than 10 seconds at a stretch. But the day I entered this place, it was like I was a totally new person. My roomie was as expected a GULT and I had to talk in English the whole time and even to all my wingies, it was quite awkward but I liked it. I met two seniors and told them things which if now I'll hear it from some junior, there's only one thing that would come to my mind: Lite ho jaayega sab.   

The day of registration was nice. I was so happy to get a DTC and there could be only one reason for that, I ended up talking to a very beautiful girl who also was a DTC that semester (Nothing happened between us, we're good friends :) ). After the first few days on campus, I felt quite famous (which I was not) because of my guitar playing. Everyone appreciated my performance in Marudhara Nite 2k8 and another nice thing happened :P . I got a call from an unknown number that night and that number happened to be of a girl. You can imagine how excited I would have been. Well nothing happened between us too, we're also friends.
Well I guess this much is enough for now.

It was a great start to this journey and hopefully the end will also be awesome. This place changed me, changed me for the good.  Hoping to be at a better place after graduation which is quite an impossible expectation to have, but still, miracles do happen.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The first one

A little intro about myself -

I'm not a good writer.
I'm not even a decent writer.
Seriously speaking I'm a horrible writer.

So If you wish you can directly jump to Thank you part, don't blame me afterwards.

Some Random Stuff to start off with (Randomization always helps):

1) It is said that 'Good Things come in Small Packages' - Do they??
2) 'Rahman has bought the Oscar' - Ismail Darbar. What a frustrated human being.
3) Sachin, don't ever retire from cricket, because with you millions will, truly.
4) Is it possible to stop shutdown of your computer, once you hit the shutdown button??? Google it.
5) How to impress girls - Buy a book of non-sense jokes(P.J's) and learn as many as you can. Most importantly, they must be in English.
6) Bhaag Bhaag DK BoseDK BoseDK Bose. Ohhh I forgot the space, or did I ??
7) Knowledge and Intelligence are two different things and both are needed to achieve success.
8) Good News for Lionel Messi fans - Argentina vs Venezula on September 2 in Kolkatta.
9) When you can't think of anything, try to think about Nothing.
10) It almost seems impossible to be a world class engineer without GOOGLE and WIKIPEDIA.
11) Belive it or not, Idea has benfited the most by MNP.( No. of port in's - No. of port out's came out to be max for IDEA)
12) M.F.Hussain - Respect.
13) Sheila and Munni in Khataron ke Khiladi \m/
14) To write a blog, just read TOI newspaper and you'll get a lot of crap to write about.
15) Pakistani Music is much better than Bollywood Music.

Some BITSian stuff:

1) Shan B - 'Do not give advice to your students, they may listen to you'
   I say - 'Do not listen to your teachers, they may give advice to you'
2) Hard Work : Luck :: A7 : Dual A7 :: A7 : C6
3) 10 pointers are not necessarily intelligent ( Actually most of them are not )
4) Before coming to BITS, I never thought that a computer software could become such an important part of my life. (DC++)
5) There are only 3 branches in BITS Pilani - A7, C7(+B3), and Others.
6) BITS:IIT :: entrepreneur:engineer
7) Roadies is more fun in bhawans than on TV.
8) There's nothing cooler than having a cooler in your room.
9) To all those people who are learning Computer languages for placements, first learn English Language.
10) South Indians are more cooperative than North Indians but still North Indians \m/
11) Board Toppers are GHOTS.

Thank you for the inconvenience

Please Note: This blog is written out of sheer desperation. So, If some of you felt offended by some points, frankly dear I don't give a damn.

For Non Bitsians:
A7 : B.E.(Hons) Computer Science
C6 : M.Sc Tech (Hons) Information Systems
C7 : M.Sc Tech (Hons) Finance
B3 : M.Sc (Hons) Economics
Bhawans : Hostels
Shan B : My Favorite Comp Sci Prof

Inspired by: 4 years 42 things By Sushant Koshy