Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Three in the Third

I was planning to write my third awesome post a little earlier than this but I have been a little unwell these days, thanks to all the junk food I had. But better late than never (I don't even know if this phrase fits here).
About a week back one of my very good friends congratulated me for almost a 200 page views of my blog and I happily accepted his well-wishes but the secret to it lies in the refresh button, whenever you press it, number of page views increases by one :P . I  might also have asked one of my friends to keep visiting my page whenever he/she comes online. (I know this might not be interesting but then it's my blog)

What I've been up to these days except being sick and taking rest is some reading, watching movies, TV, playing guitar and all the usual stuff, nothing awesome as such. But I did watch Delhi Belly. Shit happens, Shit happens every day but that day Shit happened like awesome!! A must watch for all youngsters, I know I'm not the first one to say this, it's all over facebook but still, personally, I never have enjoyed abusive words this much before. I also went to watch Transformers in 3D but came back when I got to know that they were charging Rs.50 extra for the 3D glasses but the thing that I didn't know was that it was refundable...lol :D

The thing that I'm proud of is that I have started reading and even started liking it. Believe it or not I read 3 Novels in these vacations !!! OK it might not sound as exciting as I want it to but the fact that in my past 20 years I read 3 novels and in the last 2 weeks also I read 3 novels, trust me it feels like an achievement.
But I may add here that 2 out of the 3 were by IITians and 3rd one by another software engineer. To all those who feel it has become a trend for IITians to write a novel, I would like to tell them that these IITians are the ones who have got me interested in reading novels, inspired me and I would like to thank them a lot for that.
The 3 novels with my favorite 2 lines are:

1) Oops...I fell in love -Harsh Snehanshu
The boyish tendency can't be conquered, since any attractive girl would still attract me .(I wonder if it's true for girls)

2) I too had a love story - Ravinder Singh
Tere jaane ka asar kuch aisa hua mujh par 
tujhe dhoondte dhoondte, maine khud ko paa liya
(Just loved it)

3) Dreams in Prussian Blue - Paritosh Uttam
Anything that goes on forever and forever, where time has no meaning, makes me sad.
(Got me thinking)

Do read them if you get time :) and the novel too :P

P.S: I could not come up with an appropriate title hence the above :P