Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Me amongst People

I don't  know what has happened to people (including me). People act weird. People act desperate. People act over-confident. People act dumb. People just act like people.

My last line didn't make any sense to you, right? Let me try to explain. People tend to do what other people do. People tend to imitate and that's nothing new I'm speaking here (or rather writing here).

Then came FACEBOOK!
Facebook influences, touches, enlightens, irritates, impresses, inspires and makes you do what you normally won't do.
What power !!
People show their talent through Facebook, everybody does because that's what people do. They show-off. They want people to know them , like them, love them.

People write. Notes, Poems, Shayaris, Experiences, everything. People share videos. Playing guitar, singing, dancing, doing all cool stuff. People share awesome photos, creative photos, lively photos, depressed photos, black n white photos and all type of photos. People share thoughts that stir you from inside, that makes you think beyond your imagination.
People are great, talented, creative, intelligent. But then People are people.

My friend once uploaded a pic of my band - "The 5 Mistakes" and it got around 60 likes. It was an awesome pic,no doubt about that but i never did expect so many likes for a band's pic whose songs people have never listened to. I don't even remember anyone asking to upload an audio/video of our band. I don't think it was right. I am happy people like us but am not happy with the reason for which they do.
A friend of mine put up a status message on Facebook: " Jacqueline Fernandez !! :) " and he gets 50 likes for his status.
A beautiful girl puts up her picture. 100 likes.
People act desperate.

A person writes a beautiful, thoughtful quote. 8 likes. Someone puts up a very creative collage of himself in different expression. 10 likes only. Someone writes his heart out in the form of a shayari. 15 likes max.
People act dumb.

Why do people hesitate in appreciating the creative one ? Or they fail to understand him/her, Or is it that they just have a bad choice. I don't know.

I believe that every person is good. Good enough to fulfill his dreams. Good enough to stay happy. Good enough to keep everyone else happy. But people act weird. They knowingly waste their time. They have dreams but don't have the will, the dedication, the courage to fulfill them.

I have dreams. I have achievable dreams. Am I working towards them? Sort of. Will I make it. I don't know. Will I try?

Yes. I will.

P.S. 1) Ignore the overuse of the word "people" and understand the CONTENT!.
2) If you liked this post, you know what to do. Appreciate it :P


  1. This is a perfect self-help book material..and last part was like reading a page of your diary.

  2. dude u rockkkkkkk \m/...sahi baat boli yaar 'fb likes' pe i do have the same views :@

  3. brilliant man.

    write more often :)

  4. @bafna: thanx yaar, your comment matters a lot :)
    @lath: Thanx Bhai :)
    @shubham: lite le tu
