Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where should I go

OK guys this is the first poem I'm posting. I'm not good at this stuff but there's no harm in trying. Right?
Well, poems generally are complicated and all, but mine is much easier to understand. I guess I like to keep it simple :) . Anyway, I don't want people to ignore the poem just because they couldn't understand it (which I do all the time :P ).
So to start off with, I would like to quote 4 lines (written by me obviously).

I ain't a writer, 
but I do have thoughts running in my mind
I ain't a singer,
but I do hit some notes sometimes
I ain't a philosopher,
but I do have theories of my own
I ain't a poet,
but I do have feelings touching my heart

And here it is, my first real poem: 

On the road i started,
I couldn't see the end
I didn't know the way
I didn't have an option to stay

So I began, never looked back
Went the way that felt would help,
But when I turned, I couldn't see the start
I still don't see the end
I'm stuck somewhere in between
Where should I go??

Going back takes me to the place where I truly belong 
Where life had a flavor
The flavor of freedom, innocence, being carefree
Where enjoying came before work
Where happiness came before responsibilities
The place where I can be me

Going further takes me to the place where I desire to be
Where life gets an opportunity
The opportunity to prove my talent, my capability
To get the Respect I deserve
Where I would be valued more than ever
The place where I want to be

What should I do?
Where should I go?


  1. Brilliant! Back to innocence or forward into the unknown- that is the question. And the chaar lines added chaar chaand :)

  2. Quoted from Alice in Wonderland -

    "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
    "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
    "I don't much care where--" said Alice.
    "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
    "--so long as I get SOMEWHERE," Alice added as an explanation.
    "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

    The point being - Always go forward, never forget where/what you are coming from, you're bound to reach somewhere good!

  3. --So I began, never looked back
    Went the way that felt would help,
    But when I turned, I couldn't see the start---
    a little bit contradictory..when did you turn if you never looked back????

  4. beta placements ka khauf nazar aa raha hai..all the best!

  5. @Shubham: kya saale bola na I'm not good at this stuff...galtiyan to mat nikal bhai :P

  6. galtiyan batani zaroori hain..Rahim ne kaha hai :

    Nindak Niyare Rakhiye Angan Kuti Chhabay,
    Bin Pani Saaban Bina Nirmal Kare Subhay

    I am the nindak here
